Life or Death Under The 2nd Amendment
During the struggle which founded our great country, our forefathers gave us the power to ensure that we the individual could remain forever free from tyranny and government overreach codifying the right to bear arms via the 2nd Amendment into The Constitution of The United States of America.
There are many ongoing heated debates regarding the founder’s intent when it comes to the average citizen's right to bear arms, the type of arms, and the place in which the U.S. Citizen can carry such arms for protection, sport, or business.
The Amendments Project believes the Constitution is very plain and clear on the topic of the right to bear arms as it states “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” TAP believes the militia in question is the American individual and consistently pushes government officials to follow the letter of the Constitution without shaded personal interpretation.
Here at The Amendments Project, we are grateful for the 2nd Amendment and the awesome personal protections it affords every American with the endowed right to protect themselves and their families and friends from great bodily injury or death at the hands of another.
With quite a few of The Amendments Project supporters currently employed in either State or Federal Law Enforcement positions, We fully understand that the majority of police response to calls often arrives too late to affect life and death crimes in progress, it is no secret to Law Enforcement professionals that should more American Citizens take their Constitutionally protected 2nd Amendment rights more seriously, that they, the American Citizen could become a very powerful tool in crime prevention across the United States in the local communities where they live.
FBI statics and fact patterns show that in those States that encourages, educates, and arm their Citizens with conceal and open carry licenses, as afforded in the Constitution, that crime rates have shown to be substantially lower, however in those States with stringent gun control regulation and lenient incarceration laws such as New York, Chicago, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. as prime examples, those gains are less apparent, with crime rates well above average year after year.
Don’t believe us just ask any New Yorker, if they would dare to walk Central Park within the dark hours? We are 100% certain that you would find the overwhelming answer to be a resounding No!
Only one thing is certain in the ongoing gun debate and that is criminals will never have a shortage of guns, regardless of what state they happen to be in, as States seek more and more ways to restrict the law-abiding Citizen and empower the criminal element across the country via lax parole, probation and sentencing laws, and really quite often their firepower flexed by the criminal element dangerously exceed those of our law enforcement agencies.
The Amendments Project recommends that each law-abiding American family, especially those in the African American and minority communities make the choice to protect themselves and their families by way of Constitutionally protected 2nd Amendment rights and other legal gun ownership protections, as leaving the defense of your family and loved ones solely up to the Government and Law Enforcement could very well turn out to be a fatal misjudgment on your part once an intruder is inside your home intent on Robbery, Rape, Mayhem or Murder.
This may sound harsh, but seasoned criminals are often searching for the weak among us, and often see the weak as prey, they will be less likely to target you if you appear as hard target and show seriousness in your personal ability to defend yourself or your family under self-defense force while armed.
As a reminder having a firearm at home requires those in the home to have extensive firearms safety training, weapons handling skills, guns safes, safety boxes, and strict family rules in place about the time, place, manner, and use of weapons stored in the home, The Amendments Project encourages families to attend their local gun safety ranges to receive the latest information and training regarding the handling and use of weapons such as rifles, pistols, and shotguns.
The protection of your family is a very serious and vital decision that should involve a discussion with all of the adults within the home, and while The Amendments Project understands that firearms are not the answer for every individual or family, however, we continue to believe that should you fear becoming a victim of violent criminal activity in your home, that your most direct viable option is the right to armed self-defense since most police agencies are multiple minutes away from interceding on your behalf if they are able to at all.
Many people feel that they will never become victims in their own homes and that if the need arises, their local police agency will be there to protect them, sadly on too many occasions to list, this is simply not the case, its a fact that Law Enforcement cannot be everywhere all the time.
The Amendments Project suggest that home protection scenarios be discussed by all adults in the home and that a robust plan to defend yourself be put in place, we encourage that plan to include the trained use of a firearm should the need arise to the level of defending your life or the life of a loved one during a violent criminal encounter at your home or residence.
For information on local gun safety ranges, weapons handling classes, individual training, local gun safety laws, and more we encourage you to find information sources that you trust and respect in your local communities in order to arm yourself with the best local information possible on safe guns storage, uses and training.
visit for more about The Amendments Project.